Saturday, March 12, 2011

NYC, March 2011.

After what has become de rigueur in domestic air travel, we arrived in NYC four hours late and did not get to our mid-town hotel until 1:00am, a morning jaunt downtown to visit one of my favorite espresso bars in the US helped us forget the lunacy of commercial airlines. Gimme! Coffee is a spot for the purest. No half caf -decaf mocha frappa-something with part skim part soy blah blah blah is served here. If you fancy expertly pulled espresso, cappuccino, americanos etc. and outstanding American style coffee then Gimme! Coffee is for you. Oh and don't bring your laptop, there are no sofas or tables. The interior is a classic European stand -up bar. It's great.

Located on Mott between Prince and Spring, Gimme! is a must visit for true lovers of artisan coffee.